Support Our Mission

Dear family of God, thank you for giving to support the mission of The Transforming Church. May the Lord richly reward your generosity. 

Ways to Give 


A secure collection box at our meeting location is in the fellowship hall. Please place your gift, cash, or check in an envelope with your name (for accounting purposes) in the collection box.


 You can make a check to “The Transforming Church” and mail the check to P.O. Box 51251, Indian Orchard, MA 01151


You can give securely through our online giving platform.

Key Principles of Giving

As you give to others and to support the mission of The Transforming Church, we encourage you to keep these key biblical (2 Corinthians 8 & 9) principles of giving in mind: 

1. First and foremost, recognize that God is your Provider. Everything you have comes from Him. 

2. Strive to live debt-free. Live within your means. Let love for others be your only debt. 

3. When considering giving, the question is not how much of “my money” do I give to God, but how much of God’s money do I keep? 

4. God loves a cheerful giver. 

5. There is more blessing in giving than in receiving. 

6. Whenever you give to anyone, give as if you are giving to God and not to humans. 

7. Give first to care for your family’s needs and those around you.

8. Give to meet the needs of others so that there may be no lack among God’s people. 

9. Give generously according to what you have.  

10. Give willingly, not grudgingly. Be convinced in your own heart how much to give. Don’t give reluctantly or in response to external pressure.